Introduction to USACO Bronze


A presentation introducing the USACO competition. Participants will learn the format of the competition, the benefits of participating, and walk through a sample coding problem, learning the general process of solving a USACO problem. This event will give a good introduction to the USACO Bronze level and give some resources on how to successful in passing the Bronze Level and reaching USACO Silver. 


Have a very good programming background in Java. You will need to know Loops, Variables, and Objects in Java. 

Needed Material

You must have a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) where you can write your code. We recommend to use Visual Studio Code

Hosted By                            Time                   

Max Shi                                        March 18th 2023, 2 PM PDT, 45-60     ----------------------------------------minutes         

Recommended Age

We recommend the student to be high school or their last year in middle school. (13-17 years old)

Sign Up (Closed)

Extra Notes

In this event Shrey will give a description about the problem format of USACO and how the competition operates. If you want more information about the competition format and signing up for the USACO competition check out their website: