Our Impact

Volunteers and Mentors

Students Impacted Locally

Pounds of E-Waste Collected


Impacted Over 3500 Students

Through our event signups and social media, we have positively impacted over 3000 students across the Redmond Community. Our efforts have enabled students to get an early start in coding and set them up for success.

Over 2800 Pounds of E-Waste Collected

We've collected over 2800 pounds of E-Waste in just two drives allowing us to achieve our goal of becoming a carbon-negative organization by the end of 2024. Our recent drive has brought us one step closer to our goal of collecting 5000 pounds by the end of 2025.

Supported Over 25 Volunteers and Mentors

Our dedicated volunteers and mentors are the driving force behind our successful events and positive impact on thousands of students in our local community. We currently support over 25 student volunteers and mentors through RCA who have made a significant difference on our community.

Hosted Over 90 Coding Events

RCA over the course of two years has hosted over 90 coding events ranging from SQL to USACO (Competitive Programming). Our volunteers efforts have created over 2000 google slides. RCA in the future hopes to expand the variety of languages we teach and host in-person coding events. 

Raised Over $6000 in Funding 

With our Washington non-profit and IRS 501(c)(3) status, RCA has been able to obtain over $6000 in funding through private donors. We use these funds to support our E-Waste drive efforts and bring accessible coding education to students in the Redmond Community.