
   Get Involved

    Become A Member

Join RCA to become a part of a likeminded coding community that will improve your coding skills. Redmond Code Association is open to any middle and high school student regardless of experience. Joining RCA, you will get to expand your programming skills through our events and offered resources. You can later use these skills in volunteering and helping another generation of aspiring students. 

    Become A Volunteer

Have experience in coding? Want to help tutor? RCA is the place where you can do that. Tutoring will expand your perspective which allowing you to expand your learning in CS. Don't have CS experience? Don't want to tutor? There are many other roles at RCA which are not focused on technology and coding rather on other aspects such as Business, Marketing, Design, and operations of Redmond Code Association. Check out our volunteer guidelines for more details about becoming a volunteer at Redmond Code Association