Collatz Conjecture in Python


The Collatz Conjecture is a statement which asserts that every number eventually reaches 1 if you repeat two simple arithmetic operations. Although it is unproven, it has fascinated scientists for little under a decade with its simple and enigmatic design. In this event, Shrey Shah will teach you how to program the conjecture in python. 



Needed Material

You must have a IDE (Integrated Development Environment) where you can write your code. We recommend to use Visual Studio Code. In this event Shrey will use PyCharm

Hosted By                            Time        

Shrey Shah                                January 8th 2022, 1:00 PM PDT, 30-45 ---------------------------------------minutes

Recommended Age

We recommend the student to be in elementary school to high school. (10-16 years old)

Sign Up (Closed)

Extra Notes

In this event Shrey will give a short description of what the Collatz Conjecture is but if you want to expand your learning and are very curious about this math paradox make sure to watch this comprehensive video by Veritasium: