Introduction to Databases Archive


As data becomes more important in our day to day lives, learning Structured Query Language (SQL) to manage back-end data is essential in a programmer's journey. SQL is heavily used in various careers such as by Data Scientists, Web Developers, and Mobile Developers. The Introduction to Database series will teach students how to apply SQL fundamentals to create and manage complex sets of data while maintaining a smooth learning curve. By the end of the series, students will be able to apply learned concepts to venture out and create their own projects using SQL. 

Curriculum Developers

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Day 1

Learning targets:

OC Intro to Databases: Day 1

Day 2

Learning targets:

OC Intro to Databases: Day 2

Day 3

Learning targets:

OC Intro to Databases: Day 3

Day 4

Learning targets:

OC Intro to Databases: Day 4

Day 5

Learning targets:

OC Intro to Databases: Day 5